Bean knowledge: penicillin used to be "see you tomorrow"

Bean knowledge: penicillin used to be "see you tomorrow"

A recycling

penicillin is often mentioned in the topic of "medicine that changes the fate of mankind". This antibacterial substance has saved the lives of many bacterial infections, and now a large class of antibiotic drugs has been derived from it.

Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin from a moldy petri dish that inhibited the growth of staphylococci. In 1941, penicillin conducted its first clinical trial, which showed its potential to treat the infection. At that time, people were faced with a dilemma: penicillin was very useful, but because of the small number of producers and the low efficiency of fermentation and purification, the production of penicillin was still very small. Therefore, even patients who can be treated with penicillin have to save on it.

how to save "save"? The answer is to collect the urine of patients after taking the drug, and then take them to separate and purify penicillin. (it feels similar to the idea of some legendary environmentally friendly food.)

this can get a lot of penicillin because the drug is mainly excreted through the kidneys and is excreted in its original form. About 75% of the doses given to people with normal kidney function were excreted from the kidneys within 6 hours.

fortunately, the yield and production efficiency of penicillin have been improved in only a few years. It is no longer necessary to recover _ (: penicillin)

(a penicillin doll)

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chemists have also made important contributions to the research and application of penicillin. Penicillin was discovered in 1928, but Fleming did not succeed in purifying penicillin at first. Further research and application were not carried out until Ernst Chann (Ernst B Chain) and Howard Florey purified penicillin. In 1945, the three men jointly won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.