It's not that I didn't wash it clean! Stress pattern on pot lid

It's not that I didn't wash it clean! Stress pattern on pot lid

Stress birefringence of glass

A very interesting phenomenon has been introduced before: stress birefringence. Put plastic products such as rulers and plastic forks in front of the display screen, and then put on polarized glasses to observe, you can find that there are colored patterns in the originally transparent objects, which reflect the stress distribution inside the plastic products.

(this simple summary is really hard to explain, so for more information, please see the past tweets. Put on this pair of glasses and you will find hidden colors! )

transparent plastic products are indeed the easiest to observe this phenomenon in life, but this phenomenon also exists in some glass products. At the weekend, I was suddenly curious to see if there were any glass products at home that could see the stress pattern, but after trying it around, I found that only the pot lid of toughened glass could see a little.

this is the effect you can see through the polarized glasses in front of the LCD screen. It's really not that it hasn't been washed clean. The dynamic diagram and the dynamic diagram of changing the polarizing film angle are proved:

the mode of production of toughened glass determines how much uneven internal stress will be left in the finished product, and it is at this time that the phenomenon of stress birefringence will occur. Ordinary glass products can hardly see any change in this method.

of course, if you really want to appreciate the rich stress patterns in glass products, you have to find some more extreme examples. Rupert's tears (Prince Rupert & # 39 drop) is a good example of this kind of thing, which is made by letting heated and softened glass drop into ice water to solidify, so that the glass on the surface solidifies quickly, while the inner glass is still in a state of melting, and then slowly cools and solidifies. The inner glass tends to shrink when it is solidified, but at this time, the outer shell has been solidified, unable to keep up with the shrinking trend, so, the stress is left inside such glass products: the surface is pulled by the shrinking interior to form compressive stress, and the core is pulled by the outside to form tensile stress.

through polarized light, the stress distribution inside it can be directly observed:

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Rupert's tear head is very strong, but if it is destroyed from a weak tail, it will quickly break into very small pieces. this property is also related to the internal stress, the relevant dynamic picture appreciation can see the dynamic picture appreciation: "Rupert's tears", strong and unyielding and instantly broken