Why paper books are irreplaceable

Why paper books are irreplaceable

The irreplaceability of paper books

recently, because of work, I am away from Beijing for half of every month. I want to work in Ningbo. I don't have a security network in my residence in Ningbo. I thought it would be good to do so, so I set up a mobile Internet package and went back to my residence. I used my mobile phone to surf the Internet when reading books and leisure time. I just browsed Weibo, read the news, and occasionally replied a few words, so I became a mobile party. On Weibo, at first, as before, I saw a topic of interest and discussed it with others. But then several things happened, I misread the meaning of others, was pointed out by netizens, I looked carefully, startled, it is indeed a very simple sentence was misread, missed, so quickly deleted the comment. Later, I thought about it carefully. Sometimes when I say something on the Internet, the people who follow the posts will appear as if they don't even understand Chinese and then come out to express their opinions at random, which makes me very unimaginable. Now I'm like this, too. I think it's because I use my mobile phone to read, so after that, I don't discuss too serious issues with people when I watch Weibo on my phone. It doesn't matter if you laugh and laugh among your friends.

A recent impressive piece of news is that subscribers to the print version of the New York Times in the United States have made a comeback. The reporter interviewed a family. The husband said that their family had cancelled the paper version after ordering the electronic version, but his wife never liked it. This is a secondary reason. The main reason is that he found that every time he looked at the electronic version, he could not remember one of the ten pieces of news. It is not nearly as pleasant and impressive as watching the cardboard news. This reminds me of my early online experience. At that time, I worked as a spotted bamboo in a large literary section. Every day we published more than 20 pages of new manuscripts. For a period of time, other spotted bamboos were very busy, and I was the only one to take care of them. So I had a very simple method, that is, to write, look at the beginning and look at the structure. Although the things picked out in this way could not stand detailed study, they were read on the network and put on the home page. It usually looks good. Later, I began to write for the magazine myself, and every time the magazine sent a sample, I would read my article again from beginning to end. Something strange happened to me. When I read my own words on the Internet, I always felt that my words were quite good, mature and plump, but once they became black and white, everything went wrong immediately. The writing style is pale and ordinary, which makes me very dissatisfied. Just like a woman, you usually look at her as a beautiful woman, but as soon as you get on TV, you will find that her face is asymmetrical, her nose is too big, her eyes are too apart, and so on.

this is the first time that I have deeply realized the difference between reading on the screen and reading on paper, and the difference between writing books and writing online literature. therefore, later, grand time travel novels and fantasy novels are very popular. I have never complained about anything like my friends. It should be. Network literature should be fast-paced, shallow reading, suitable for using computers to see things. As another carrier, paper books are supposed to carry more information, deeper and denser. This is also the reverse, a lot of network literature, once separated from the computer screen, it is printed in black and white, it looks very bad.

this reason was mentioned a long time ago in Benjamin's "towards the Age of lost Light". He said why there was a dreamy look on the face of the people in the old photos, which was due to the poor photographic equipment and long exposure. This kind of aura can not be copied now, because the current equipment is completely different, although technology is also a carrier, the carrier itself will also affect the content, but also has its own expression. So after people have fast and smart digital cameras, they go back to the film machine. Not satisfied with the digital film effect, why? Because it is not the same thing, expression is different, digital camera can not be a substitute for film. Why is it different for beauty to see with the naked eye and with a lens? The way you watch determines what you see. It's the same with reading.

I have always thought that paper books are irreplaceable, because as mentioned earlier, many things can only be carried by paper books, such as Tolstoy and Nietzsche, e-books have things that it can do, but they can't do everything. I don't know what kind of scientific principle that is, maybe it's because of the flash screen of e-books, maybe it's because the brains of people who read e-books and paper books are different. I don't know, but I can't read Tolstoy with an iPad, and I can read paper books. Of course, I also believe that many people have read a lot of tweets with txt documents. How can I say, this is like reading the difference between the paper version and the electronic version of the New York Times. If someone reads Tolstoy's txt documents and says they don't think Tolstoy is a big deal. I really don't think I can say anything, because we're not reading the same thing. It's like sitting in front of a giant Turner painting and dying of happiness, but another person sits in front of the computer and takes a peek at it and says it's no big deal. What you see is not the same thing at all.

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E-books are responsible for fast and light reading, while paper books are responsible for reading that requires more quiet thinking. I think this may be the differentiation in the future. As to whether what I said is reasonable, you can print out the articles you think are good. Print it out in black and white and have a try.